Elaine Davis Photography / People

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2270x1785 (3424kB)
artist at work.jpg
1600x1253 (1347kB)
defeated soccer player.jpg
2592x1944 (3172kB)
guarding his turf.jpg
2153x1944 (2856kB)
learning tennis.jpg
2592x1944 (3737kB)
little feet.jpg
2487x1567 (2322kB)
little girl and her doggie.jpg
829x803 (520kB)
no swimming today.jpg
2241x1944 (2796kB)
real cowboys.jpg
1531x1944 (1576kB)
rock climber.jpg
2275x1916 (2717kB)
sitting by the sea.jpg
2003x1780 (3047kB)
the old man and the sea.jpg
2387x1920 (3298kB)
wants to be on the team.jpg
2219x1944 (2686kB)
where's daddy.jpg
2200x1931 (3016kB)

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